With rising prices and uncertain financial times we are offering our plans at half price for as long as we can. USE CODE DAZI-50
While we may retain mailing addresses and phone numbers pertaining to copyright release documentation for purchasers of record, Carolina Home Plans LLC will not share this information. Any email addresses or telephone numbers received during normal queries are not stored nor shared. User's sessions are tracked for the sole purpose of improving our website and customizing the content and layout of our website pages. Illegal and inappropriate activity is also monitored. All of our customers' personal information is strictly confidential.
Copyright Information
U.S. copyright laws protect all house plans listed on this site including all corresponding images, diagrams, text, logos and graphics. Unauthorized reproduction, sale, lease or transfer of plan images contained on this site or any other work produced herein is a violation of these laws. All content, illustrations, renderings, 3D images, floor plans, diagrams, graphics, articles and other data stored on this website not expressly stated as being from another source are hereby designated original material, and is the exclusive intellectual property of Carolina Home Plans, LLC. ("The Owner") and is copyrighted by said Owner.
The layouts, concepts, ideas and all content of this website may not be reproduced, copied or utilized in any form or manner whatsoever for any purpose without the express written permission from the owner. The information on these web pages is for the sole purpose of reference and is not to be used for construction without purchasing the appropriate construction plan and accompanying License Release Form.
To the purchaser of our Repro Plan Set/PDF File with accompanying License Release Agreement we grant a limited license to use that set of house plans for the construction of one-or-multi dwelling units. Our house plans may not be resold, transferred, reassigned, rented, loaned or leased. The purchaser may make construction copies from the reproducible sheets/PDF Files for construction of said dwelling. The purchaser may also use these reproducible sets/PDF Files for making changes and modification. However, the purchaser must abide by the terms of the license agreement.
To the purchaser of record of our Repro Plan Set/PDF File, we will provide answers to questions regarding the house plan via email for a period of up to 1 year from the date of purchase. Upon request, if necessary, the 1 year time limit may be extended on an individual basis.
Plan designs, ideas or concepts from this site are not to be used either directly or indirectly for the construction of the dwelling without first purchasing the Repro Plan Set/PDF File and accompanying License Release Agreement from Carolina Home Plans, LLC. Any unauthorized use of the Study Package Sets is a violation of copyright laws resulting in penalties of $150,000.00 plus legal fees.
Preliminary Modification Drawings are to be used for reviewing custom changes for modification orders and are not to be used either directly or indirectly for the construction of the dwelling without purchasing the completed modification project and accompanying License Release Agreement prior to the expiration date from Carolina Home Plans, LLC. Any unauthorized use of the Preliminary Modification Drawings is a violation of copyright laws resulting in penalties of $150,000.00 plus legal fees.
Deposits for preliminary floor plans for custom modification project are non-refundable; however, they will be fully credited toward the final project completion. Project completions must be ordered within the expiration date and all non-completed work files will be deleted after a period of 3 months from the initial start date.
Warranty and Disclaimers
Much care and effort has gone into the creation of our house plans. However, since we cannot provide on-site supervision, consultation and have no control over the actual construction process; and due to the vast differences in local building requirements, building practices, geographical and weather conditions, the information, plans and specifications contained within the house plan documents are provided "as is" without warranty. Carolina Home Plans, LLC. makes no warranty expressed or implied, with respect to the use of our house plans, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Carolina Home Plans LLC assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, typographical errors, technical inaccuracies, changes or inadequate or faulty construction with respect to the use of these house plan documents.
Any products or services specified within the house plan documents, website pages or email correspondence are suggestions and are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Carolina Home Plans LLC may not be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever, including, but not limited to, those resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether or not informed of the potential of damage, or any other liability whatsoever resulting from the use of information in these plans.
House plan building cost ranges are provided as a guide only and should not be construed as an actual building quote. Carolina Home Plans, LLC makes no warranty expressed or implied, with respect to these building cost ranges. Carolina Home Plans, LLC does not recommend using the house plan building cost ranges for actual construction purposes such as obtaining construction loans, determining construction costs, bidding or building. Carolina Home Plans, LLC assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, typographical errors, technical inaccuracies, changes or misinterpretations with respect to the use of the building cost ranges. Carolina Home Plans, LLC does not guarantee the accuracy of the house plan building cost ranges.
The information on the web pages is for the sole purpose of reference and is not to be used for construction without purchasing the appropriate Repro House Plan Set/PDF File and accompanying License Release Agreement. All 3D images, plan drawings, perspectives and elevations are a reasonable facsimile of the proposed home. Actual appearances may vary due to construction methods, actual materials selected or color choices.
Condition of Sale
Upon completion of a sale, Carolina Home Plans, LLC authorize the use of our house plans on the express condition that the purchaser acknowledges his or her obligation to comply with all local building codes, zoning requirements and other regulations, ordinances and applicable governing laws. Since state and local building regulations vary among regions and are constantly changing, it is not feasible to meet the standards of each individual purchaser's specific local requirements on these stock plans. Purchaser agrees to consult local building official prior to construction to comply with all state and local codes and regulation, which take precedent. Purchaser understands that some states may require the services and seal of a state-registered architect.
Purchaser agrees to have his or her builder check all dimensions, count and materials and report any discrepancies prior to the start of construction. Purchaser understands that plans ordered from Carolina Home Plans LLC are "as-is" with no warranties, express or implied, including merchantability or fitness of purpose. Purchaser understands that Carolina Home Plans LLC is not liable for any damages of any kind, whatsoever, including, but not limited to, loss of anticipated profits, potential business, or any other financial loss arising out of the use of the plans. The Purchaser agrees to release and indemnify Carolina Home Plans, its officers, employees and agents (the "Indemnified") from and against all actions, claims, proceedings or demands ("Claims") which may be brought against the Indemnified, in respect of any loss, death, injury, illness or damage (whether personal or property, and whether direct or consequential, including consequential financial loss) and any infringement of intellectual property rights arising out of the provision of the Services or the use, handling or commercial exploitation of any product of the services and from and against all damages, costs (including legal costs computed on an indemnity basis) and expenses incurred in defending or settling any Claim. In the event of any liability, to you or any third party, imposed on Carolina Home Plans LLC, it shall not exceed the price paid for the plans.
Purchaser acknowledges that plan prices and conditions are subject to change without notice and that all sales are final, plans may not be returned for credit or refund for any reason, however, a replacement PDF File may be purchased at a discount rate. Purchaser agrees to abide by all terms of the license agreements, and that the plan, in whole or part, may not be resold, reassigned, loaned, rented, leased or transferred.
The purchase and use of these plans to any extent constitutes full acknowledgement and acceptance of all terms.
Copyright © 2025 Carolina Home Plans, LLC All Rights Reserved.
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